How often should you Get your Carpets Cleaned?

December 22, 2023

Carpets suffer from everyday wear and tear and staining that leaves them dull and drab. These carpets also become a huge hazard for allergies and affect your family’s health.

To prevent this, you should vacuum your carpet two to three times a week and schedule a professional cleaning at least once a year. But these figures can vary depending on your criteria and needs.

So, here we have discussed all the factors influencing your carpet cleaning frequency to help you make a better decision.

Factors Affecting Carpet Cleaning Frequency

⇒ Carpet Type

Your carpet fibers and pile type are important factors in determining the carpet cleaning frequency. It’s because some fibers and pile types get more spoiled than others.

For instance, if your carpet has nylon, polyester, or acrylic fibers, it will be more dust-resistant and will be easier to clean and maintain. So you can keep them looking spotless with bi-weekly vacuuming and an annual deep cleaning.

On the other hand, wool, silk, and jute fibers get dirty faster and are difficult to clean with regular methods. Hence, they require more frequent vacuuming and professional cleaning.

⇒ Carpet Color

Similar to the carpet fibers, its color is also essential to decide the cleaning frequency of your carpet. As a general rule, darker carpets will require relatively less cleaning and maintenance than their lighter counterparts, as dirt and stains are less visible in darker shades.

However, the accumulated dirt, grime, and stains are more obvious on lighter carpets, especially if staining is due to wine, paint, or ink. So homeowners with light-colored carpets should vacuum their carpets every alternate day and get them cleaned by experts when they look dirty and grimy.

⇒ Level of Foot Traffic

The amount of foot traffic in your home is another important factor that affects the carpet cleaning frequency. The more foot traffic, the more frequently you’ll need to vacuum and deep clean your carpet.

Therefore, households with more members need to vacuum the high-traffic areas of their carpets daily and hire experts to inspect and clean their carpets at least twice a year.

⇒ Allergies

Carpets trap allergens and dirt particles. But when it can no longer trap these particles, they get released into the air. It lowers your home’s indoor air quality and becomes a hazard for allergy sufferers.

So if anyone in your family has allergen sensitivity, you should vacuum the carpet daily and get it steam cleaned by a trusted carpet cleaning company 2-3 times a year. It will keep allergies at bay and keep your family safe.

⇒ If You Have Kids

Toddlers and small children love to play on the carpet. But this playfulness tracks a lot of dirt and dust into your carpet and causes wear and tear. And without regular vacuuming and professional cleaning, your carpet will look dirty and grimy.

Therefore, homeowners with kids should vacuum their carpets 4-5 times a week and get them a professional cleaning twice a year. It will protect your carpet from wear and give them a safe play space.

⇒ If You Have Pets

Similarly, our furry friends enjoy playing rough on carpets, which leads to damage and occasional stains. These stains are a bigger issue than normal spills, as they also lead to a musty smell.

To prevent this, you need to maintain a regular vacuuming schedule and hire experts to deep-clean it. It will prevent musty odors on your carpet and keep it looking spotless.

Bottom Line

Getting your carpet cleaned every 12-18 months, along with regular vacuuming is the best way to maintain its look. However, the frequency of your carpet cleaning depends most on your personal needs and criteria. So, survey your carpet carefully, and if you notice visible signs of contaminants, get your carpet cleaned.

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